About Me
Rekindle Me is a business born out of the idea that less should be going to waste but instead rekindled. I give old electronics that were destined for landfill a second chance to be passed onto new homes to be reused or taken apart to be recycled for the materials that make up an item. Rekindle Me all started from my hobby tinkering on vintage computers and my passion for recycling.
In 2023 I saved over 31 Tonnes of e-waste from landfill which was my biggest year yet!
Since Rekindle Me started over 70 tonnes have been diverted from landfill!!!​
More information can be found on the FAQ page
Rekindle Me has had a short documentary done by Business Insider on how I recycle everyone's electrical waste that is dropped off to me and the bigger impacts of e-waste around the word here!
I also had an interview with Lindsay McDougall on the ABC Illawarra radio on how I started and how I run Rekindle Me. That can be found here. The ABC also did a full story on Rekindle Me too. This can be found here

Rekindle Me Updates &
Want to see what Rekindle Me is up to? Visit our Facebook page at: Rekindlemerecycling where information about events we are hosting or will be attending, information on recycling and much more!